Over the years, I have come to appreciate more and more the miraculous ways in which challenging experiences in my early life have shaped my path: These experiences uncovered unexpected strengths and resources. Survival strategies which served me growing up in a turbulent home became the seeds of my own unique creative skill set and essential presence (and presents) I now contribute in the world.

As a child, I naturally held space and listened deeply, as a way to care for others. Certainly my family, who carried their past traumas related to war and poverty, needed such care. In moments of reprieve from the chaos while alone, it also came naturally for me to practice meditation techniques as well as healing outlets of creative writing and drawing.

Coming into adulthood, I pursued my studies in clinical psychology with drive, and unequivocal certainty in my career choice. I cherish memories of those first years in my new profession, embracing long work hours and learning voraciously. However, before too long, my body alerted me to the need for a change, – for a new balance in my life:

Overcome by severe physical health symptoms, unexplained by western medicine, I refer to this time as my “spiritual healing crisis”. I went from enjoying a full-on life, to lying in bed incapacitated. “Look at me, I’m a mess!” A wise-woman friend visited my bedside. “I don’t think you’re a mess.” She responded confidently. Her sparkle conveyed something, that I had yet to understand…

My health crisis propelled me into an odyssey of eastern medicine and holistic healing practices, from science-based to the most esoteric. My odyssey nourished me with new depths of soul awareness. New light shone on my early experience: “This was your school, Sheridan.” An astute healer reflected both his candid awareness and unbounded compassion. In this moment, protective layers, well-crafted during my childhood melted. I felt overwhelming pain that I was no longer able to hold in my being. Painful experience served as a powerful catalyst, inspiring in me intense commitment to my personal and spiritual growth.

In the years which followed, my continued studies and practices indeed brought about empowering transformations. I developed my attunement to energy, learned to care for myself more wholly and to bring nourishing new aliveness into my being. Subsequently, my skills as a therapist also flourished. I began to apply mind-body therapies in ways which were powerful and transforming for my clients.

I deeply appreciate how challenges in my life have nurtured and grown my natural gifts – watering seeds that previously lay dormant. Many beloved Beings have supported and facilitated my journey – healers as well as my awe-inspiring, courageous clients. I offer gratitude and affection, as my unfolding continues.

For me, I find allies in refined sensitivity, inner stillness, and soft compassion. Drawing upon my own “school” of challenges, I profoundly honor and hold the challenges and trauma that clients share with me. I feel blessed in my years of study and service, to facilitate transformation for others. I am elated to help you uncover, even more of your own unique presence and amazing gifts!

circa 1975

Healing Dreams…
Within my stillness and dreaming, flying free is the norm:
Here, kittens roam in the garden, where they are as safe and as powerful as their tiger- cousin.
I shine, without thinking about it, just like the newborn lying beside me.
Among the juiciest leaves high above me, faeries dance lightly
…and I see them!
Delighted, I spiral into a wild dance of my own.
I am bathed open, and soon succumb to softness.
In the light of my dreams, I am joined by many. The faeries smile, and offer me a wink and a nod.

Sheridan K Hailley, April 2017